BMX Streets


Learn how to install mods and get the most out of BMX Streets. (Guide by Nolew)

Custom Maps

To install custom maps, follow these steps:

  1. Extract the maps from their ZIP files.
  2. Move the extracted folders to: This PC/Documents/BMX Streets/Maps

Installing Script Mods

Credits to Nolew for the guide!

Before installing MelonLoader, make sure you have the following prerequisites installed:

Once you have the prerequisites, download and run the MelonLoader installer:

Download MelonLoader

In the installer, go to the Automated tab, click 'SELECT', and navigate to your BMX Streets .exe file located at: Steam\steamapps\common\BMX Streets

After installation, a 'Mods' folder will appear in your game directory. Simply drag and drop your .dll mod files into this folder. Launch the game to enjoy your mods!

To uninstall or reinstall MelonLoader, run the installer again, locate the BMX Streets .exe file, and choose 'RE-INSTALL' or 'UN-INSTALL'.

2024 Skatebit.
